Craftistic Endeavors

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


This is a little project that I started and finished last Tuesday, April 4. The original pattern is from Annie Modesitt & Friends' 2006 Crochet Pattern-a-Day Calendar, found here. It's probably called an embroidery scissors holder in the calendar, but it amuses me to call it a chatelaine. Technically it's something that might be hung from the chatelaine, not the chatelaine itself, but as I've said, it amuses me so that's what I'm calling it.

I have no idea what kind of yarn the designer used, but I used size 3 crochet thread and a size 00 hook and it worked out just fine. I also had some slight issues with the way the pattern was written, so I sort of made something up and that also worked out. If there are any aspiring pattern designers out there, please do us the small favor of telling us if you're going to use short-row shaping, otherwise we'll think you don't quite know what you're doing. I ended up working to the end of each row on decrease rows instead of leaving the last stitch unworked. It turned out much the same as the pictured one in the calendar, although I did have to do some extra decreases at the pointy part. Speaking of the pointy part, those are very sharp scissors indeed, so I've stuffed a bit of batting in to make it a bit more portable.

I love that you can click on the picture to see a larger image, and I don't have to do anything to make it happen.


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