Craftistic Endeavors

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Not a baby afghan, for once.

For once, I took the advice of just about everyone in my knitting group and did not crochet or knit an entire afghan for an expected baby. These are for a coworker, whose second baby boy should be appearing in another week or so. We missed our chance to have a shower for her first baby because she left for her maternity leave before she (and we!) had planned for her to be out of the office, so we made up for it by having a small shower for the second baby.

These are crocheted from a little book of bootie patterns that I picked up a while ago. This is a very clever little pattern, something that I don't think you could do if you were knitting instead. They're done in two pieces; first the round wagon-wheel pattern on the top of the foot, then you chain out into space and back to form the part that goes around the heel, and then from there down to the sole. Then you pick up at the chain again and work up to finish the top part that sits around the ankle. Sew in a bit of elastic, just to make sure they stay put, and you're done! Took only a few hours to finish, and could have been a bit quicker if I'd paid a bit closer attention to what I was doing. (I did have to frog a bit of the first one because I was distracted by the movie I was watching.) Welcome to Baby K!


At 8:32 AM, August 05, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job! Those booties are adorable - did you know Linda Rom sent some home made bootie/socks to me for Eowyn? They are so cute! And so little!

I just realized I never called you back from LAST WEEKEND. Busy week - Joel was gone Mon-Wed (got back at midnight) and I had play practice, worship team practice and play practice (in order of nights). Then he got back and I don't know what we did those nights but I'm sure it was very useful... (-: I was at the church from 9-3 yesterday working on the play (pre and post rehearsal, which lasted a little less than 2 hours).

Gosh, maybe I should just email you! I have tons of little things to do for the show - WEd is opening night! Mom will be here at noon on Tuesday - hooray!!!

I gotta get dressed and go to church - we are doing a "teaser" to sell more tickets. Wed & Fri are almost sold out, we just need to fill Saturday up.


At 4:48 PM, August 20, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have letters 2, 3, & 4. Do I read? Do I read????? Such hard questions for me!



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