Craftistic Endeavors

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Knitting Celebrity Visits Chicago!

In yet another example of why it's great to be in the Windy City, I got to see the famous Yarn Harlot last night!

As you can see, I wasn't the only one who was excited about this.

For all that I'm good at math, I'm really bad at estimating numbers, like of people in a room, or whatever. I think I counted some 75 people in the 2 photos, plus probably more who showed up later. (Later I was really glad that I drove from where the talk was to the LYS where the signing was, because getting in at the beginning of the line, in front of all the other people who walked from one place to the other, meant I could get home at a reasonable time.)

Look! It's the traveling sock! (Stephanie isn't this blurry in real life, I promise.)

She's just as funny in person as you could hope, and I enjoyed every minute of her talk. She's got really great comic timing when she speaks, as well as when she writes. I particularly enjoyed the story about the guy who misheard when she said she was going to a "fiber arts" festival (I would love to go to a Macgyver arts retreat too, but only if a 30-year-old Richard Dean Anderson could be there.)

There was also a great imaginary play-by-play color commentary on knitting as a sport, and fabulous methods for identifying fellow knitters, and tons of other great stuff that made it worth the drive over in just the first 5 minutes.

If you're reading this, Stephanie, thanks for making the trip! It was great fun to see you and I'll look forward to the next bookbookbook tour!


At 6:37 PM, July 25, 2006, Blogger AmyArtisan said...

Thanks for sharing about the Yarn Harlot visit - I was very disappointed that work had me out of town this week so I couldn't venture down to My Sisters Knits to see her.

At 8:05 PM, July 28, 2006, Blogger The Protagonist said...

Hey, cool R:)

I do regret not going a little bit, but so it goes. By the way, I feel that "travangstant" could be a good English word for the pain one feels at poorly judging transportation. I feel it a lot waiting for the flippin' 22. My love/hate relationship with the Clark bus could be a blog in and of itself. A very boring and angry blog, but strong are my feelings for the CTA. The fireworks photos rock!

At 10:55 PM, August 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to add a comment to your page! I hadn't checked it out since before the fireworks post. I love the abstract art!


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