Craftistic Endeavors

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Rogue Crocheter Joins Worldwide Knit in Public Day

I'm pleased to report that none of the Chicago branch of Worldwide Knit in Public Day knitters were too traumatized by the appearance of a crocheter or two in their midst. The whole event was well-attended, as seen below. (Special thanks to Aidan for organizing the Chicago gathering.) I'm bad at guessing actual numbers, but about 40 people showed their willingness to be seen knitting in public and even become a tourist attraction. There were possibly a few more who came or left earlier or later than I took my pictures, I wasn't really keeping close track of what everyone else was doing. I chatted with the people near me and concentrated on Baby Afghan #3, for CH, daughter of RH. I suspect that C has already made her appearance in the world, and that R just hasn't gotten on to the email to tell me yet. Luckily this afghan is moving right along so the baby won't be too old before she gets her baby gift! Pictures of that project are forthcoming; meanwhile you can marvel at the pictures of people showing their fiber solidarity (Note the presence of TV camera: yes, I completely forgot to watch CLTV at all, and missed the WGN Monday morning spot because I never watch morning TV):


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