Craftistic Endeavors

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

What was that about being craftistic?

I seem to remember that once upon a time, this blog was about the craftistic projects I finished, or was working on. Anyone else remember those days?

Well, I think the worst is over at work, leaving me with time to present... (drumroll, please) Baby Afghan #3! Nearly Finished!

Baby CH made her appearance just over 2 months ago, so naturally it's time for me to think about finishing a baby afghan for her. I just have to sew in another 2 dozen yarn ends.

This is one of those valuable object lessons about how it's sometimes better to plan a project than just see what happens. I don't see myself ever planning an afghan that changes color after every single row (or, occasionally, after every other row) because there are just too many ends to sew in. After a while I resorted to leaving all the working yarn at home, and just bringing the afghan with me to work and back, and only working on sewing in all those dangly ends. Still didn't work, and it left me with (I think) 54 ends to sew in after I'd finished off all the stitching. And that was after sewing in the ends on ~2/3 of the project. I don't really want to count, although I may when I've finally finished the whole thing.

It's to do with how you change colors when crocheting. On the last "pull one loop through 2 loops on hook" of the last stich of the last row of your current color, you just use the new color as the one loop that you pull through the 2 of the current color. It's a bad time to put down the hook and sew in that end you just cut off; much easier to keep crocheting. And pretty soon you're at the end of another row, and it's easier to change to the next color than sew in, and the problem only compounds itself. I think Baby Afghan #2 (the tumbling blocks pattern from back in June) with its join-as-you-go structure, and concurrent sew-in-ends-as-you-go capability, is definitely the way to go here. Lesson learned.

Oh, this was a simple shell stitch, 5 dc, then sc in the 3rd dc of previous row kind of pattern. I'll show a better picture once it's done done and on its way to little CH.

Of course, Baby #3 is far from the last of the younguns my friends are popping out this year. Baby #4 has already made her appearance (welcome, EG!) and I haven't even bought yarn or thought about an afghan pattern. Baby EG, this one's for you. Just as soon as I finish off the second one, these will be on their way to you.

Welcome, new babies!


At 8:29 PM, August 16, 2006, Blogger AmyArtisan said...

The blanket looks beautiful! I'm sure all the "end finishing" will be worth it when the baby is wrapped in such a fabulous custom blanket. :)

At 7:00 AM, August 19, 2006, Blogger The Protagonist said...

Awwww. I love that little bootee and remember it from the glory day when I could stroll over to the cube-o-craft and enjoy the bounty first hand. OK, so that was just three weeks ago. Anyhoo, way to go - I can't wait to see what you're cooking up for EG. Meanwhile, I'm just unable to put mental power behind a project (would EG's mama call it "activation energy"?) so I'm just doing a few chill-out rows on my stained glass scarf in the evenings. My felted bag's future is yet unsure . . .

At 11:17 AM, August 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bootie is adorable! I am sitting here with EG in person on my lap - one handed typing by a tired momma = short comment!


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